Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (2024)

by Abby

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Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (1)

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (2)

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (3)

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (4)

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4.76 out of 5 Stars by 49 readers!

Pineapple wine is an easy-to-make-at-home fruity wine that gets served for Christmas, Easter, or other family gatherings along with all the other wines, co*cktails, and drinks. Here’s how we do it here in Bombay aka Mumbai.

Ingredients for the Homemade Pineapple Fruit Wine

But first, the list of ingredients we use.
800 grams pineapple
2 litres water
750 grams sugar
10 grams yeast – we use active dry yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
50 ml warm water
2 pods vanilla – Optional
1 egg for clarification or 1 sheet veg gelatin or 5 drops milk – Optional
*reduce the amount of yeast and sugar you use as you increase the amount of wine


  • Barni (Traditional Ceramic Jar)
  • Demijohn
  • Fermentation bucket
  • Wooden Spoon
  • Sieve
  • Muslin Cloth
  • Stainless steel pot

Steps to make Wine from Pineapple Fruit

Please make sure it is legal to make homemade wine in your city or country before you try out this recipe to make wine from pineapples.

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (5)

Start by cleaning the pineapple and chopping it into small pieces. Get rid of any overripe pieces as these will make the wine bitter. Some people also use the skin of the pineapple to make wine, and you can too if you want to.

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (6)
Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (7)

Proof the yeast by adding it to a bowl with sugar and 50 ml warm water and leaving it aside for 10 minutes. At the end of 10 minutes, the yeast starts to bubble, which means it’s active.

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (8)
Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (9)
Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (10)

In a large ceramic jar (we call them barnis) add your 2 litres of water and the 750 grams of sugar. Next, add in your proofed yeast and stir. Then add in the chopped pineapple and vanilla pods and stir with a wooden spoon.

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (11)

On the first day, you might need to stir the wine 3 or 4 times to release the gasses as the levels rise.

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (12)

After that, stir the must (wine mixture) daily to release the carbon dioxide. Oh, and try to be smarter than we are and use larger barnis. This picture is of the time when the wine almost overflowed because the carbon dioxide inside made the pineapples rise to the top and all the gas was pushing upwards.

Also, these barnis come with ceramic lids which are good to use. They will keep the oxygen out and help release the carbon dioxide slowly. If you’re not using barnis, tie a cloth around the top of your glass jar or cover it with a balloon.

And if you’re wondering whether you have to stir the wine, you don’t have to. But it’s recommended. Stirring the wine gets rid of the excess carbon dioxide that might be suffocating the yeast. It also gives them access to a bit of needed fresh oxygen, get rid of sulphites, and keep your sugars moving. You don’t need to know this, it’s just here if you’re interested. So carrying on…

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (13)

We sometimes keep a small jug for testing outside, so that we can see how the wine is doing. It’s not a necessary step. Just depends on whether you want to see how the wine is progressing or not.

After 7 days of stirring, strain the wine into a large glass jar or steel vessel. This is Day 7 or Day 8.

Taste the wine to confirm that it’s fine. If it’s sweet and fruity, you’re good to go. If by chance, your pineapple has lent the wine some of its bitterness, you can back-sweeten the wine by adding in 200 grams or 250 grams of sugar. There’s no need to worry about it being seen. The remaining yeast will gobble up the sugar over the course of the next few days, and your wine can soon be on its way to your glass.
Note: *In case you’ve already bottled the wine before realizing it needs to be back-sweetened, use a funnel to add the sugar in spoon by spoon. This will reduce some of the bitterness, not all of it.

Now the important notes before bottling the wine on Day 14 or Day 15. When the wine is just formed, it’s quite cloudy. So take a glass or decanter and fill it with the pineapple wine, then add just a teaspoon of the white of an egg to it and stir well. Add this wine back to your glass jar or steel vessel and stir the wine. Next step is bottling it and waiting another 7 days to drink it! (The egg white will help the dregs settle and clarify the wine till it becomes clear like below by Day 21.)

If you’re worried about the wine becoming acidic, use half a teaspoon of baking soda instead of the egg white. This will both clarify the wine and reduce acidity.

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (14)

If you’re a vegetarian and can’t use eggs, use a sheet of veg gelatin instead or 4 to 5 drops of milk or a pinch of baking soda to clarify the wine on Day 14 or 15. Don’t add too much, mind you! Then bottle in glass bottles and store.

(*Note: “Veg Gelatin” as it’s called in my country is made from carrageenan powder.)

And that’s it! Wait another week, and your wine is ready to drink. If you can’t wait for the wine to clarify, you can actually drink the wine now itself. It just depends on how much patience you have. Wink wink!

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (15)

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (16)

Homemade Pineapple Wine


In India, we're used to making pineapple wine at home for festivities. This version of the pineapple wine is easy to make and can be ready in 2 weeks.

4.76 out of 5 Stars by 49 readers!

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Prep Time 30 minutes mins

Fermenting Time 14 days d

Total Time 14 days d 30 minutes mins

Course Drinks

Cuisine Indian

Servings 20 glasses of 150 ml each

Calories 74 kcal

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (17)

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (18)

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (19)

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (20)


  • 800 g Pineapple
  • 2 Litres Water
  • 750 g Sugar
  • 10 g Active Dry Yeast Or Wine Yeast

To Proof The Yeast

  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar
  • 50 ml Water Warm

Optional Ingredients

  • 2 Vanilla Pods Optional
  • 2 Dried Red Chillies Dried – Optional instead of vanilla pods.
  • 1 teaspoon Egg Whites Optional (See notes for veg substitutes)
  • 250 g Sugar If you need to back-sweeten the wine on Day 7 or 8


To Proof The Yeast

  • Add 1 tablespoon sugar and the 50 ml water to a small vessel or pot.

  • Add in the yeast and stir briskly.

  • Leave alone for 10 minutes till the yeast starts to bubble. (While the yeast is proofing, you can chop the pineapple.)

Prepare the Wine Must

  • Pour 2 litres of water into your ceramic or glass jar along with the sugar.

  • Chop your pineapple into small pieces and add to this jar.

  • Add in the proofed yeast mixture.

  • Add in two vanilla pods that you have slit open. (Optional)

  • Stir the wine with a wooden spoon, cover and leave aside.

  • On the first day, you may need to stir 3 or 4 times to release the excess carbon dioxide formed.

  • On the next 7 days, stir once a day. (We usually do it every morning at the same time.)

  • After 7 days, strain the wine into a large steel or glass jar. (Day 7 or 8)

  • Taste a bit of the wine. If it's sweet, then perfect. If the pineapple has somehow turned the wine a tad bitter, back sweeten it by adding in another 200 or 250 grams of sugar. There's no need to stir too much, as the last of the yeast will eat the sugar over the course of the coming week.

Clarify The Pineapple Wine

  • Take some of the pineapple wine in a small glass or decanter. (Day 14 or 15)

  • Add in a teaspoon of egg white and stir well. If you're vegetarian, add in a sheet of gelatin or 5 drops of milk instead. *See notes.

  • If you're worried about the wine being acidic, use half a teaspoon of baking soda instead of the egg white. This will both clarify the wine and reduce acidity.

  • Add this mixture back to the pineapple wine and stir.

  • Bottle the wine and leave aside for 7 days before drinking. This will take you through to Day 21. But if you don't want to wait, you can drink the wine on Day 14 itself.

  • Chill and serve!

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  • If you’re a vegetarian and can’t use eggs, add a sheet of veg gelatin to the wine mixture or 4 to 5 drops of milk to clarify the wine.
  • The so-called Plant based gelatin or Veg gelatin in my country is made from carrageenan powder.
  • If you’re worried about the wine being acidic, use a half teaspoon of baking soda instead of the egg white.
  • If you can’t find vanilla pods, use dried red chillies.
  • If you’re using stronger yeast, reduce the quantity used.

Stuff You Might Want to Use

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (21)

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (22)


Wooden Spoon

Ceramic Jar or Barni

Fermentation Bucket

Muslin Cloth (Cheese Cloth)

Active Dried Yeast

SAF yeast

DCL yeast

Nutrition (Per Serving)

Calories: 74kcal | Carbohydrates: 19g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 6mg | Potassium: 50mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 17g | Vitamin A: 36IU | Vitamin C: 19mg | Calcium: 9mg | Iron: 1mg

Disclaimer: Nutrition Information per serving is estimated by a third party software based on the ingredients used, and is for informational purposes only. It will vary from product to product, based on methods of preparation, origin and freshness of ingredients. Please consult the package labels of the ingredients you use, or chat with your dietician for specific details.

This printable recipe card is for home use only. For more recipes head over to AbbysPlate.com

If you want our traditional East Indian recipes on hand, the Abby's Plate Cookbook Series books are available online or in-store in most countries.

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I’m an East Indian foodie and travel blogger from Bombay, India. I love food, wine, and sharing my culture’s ethnic East Indian and traditional Indian recipes. You’ll find more info about me here!

Easy Pineapple Wine Recipe - Abby's Plate (2024)


How do they make pineapple wine? ›

399 is 6:1-3:1, and the pineapple juice is fermented at the temperature of between 20 DEG C and 30 DEG C for 3-7 days. The pineapple wine brewed from pineapple juice has richer nutritional ingredients, mellow taste and rich flavor, and is low-degree fruit wine with nutritional and health-care values.

How much alcohol is in homemade pineapple wine? ›

The alcohol content in pineapple wine typically ranges between 10% and 14%, depending on factors such as the fermentation process and yeast used.

How to make wine for beginners? ›

Thoroughly mash fruit, add four crushed Campden tablets, cover with cheesecloth and allow container to stand four hours at room temperature. Add 10 cups sugar syrup, lemon juice, tea and yeast and allow seven days to ferment at a temperature between 60-70º F, stirring thoroughly twice daily.

Is pineapple wine good for health? ›

For most people, enjoying a glass or two of Pineapple wine each day can be part of a healthful diet. The key is moderation. Regardless of the possible health benefits, drinking excess alcohol can do more harm than good.

Why is my pineapple wine bitter? ›

The taste of pineapple wine is especially potent because although pineapples naturally taste very sweet, they become very acidic and strongly bitter after fermentation.

How much alcohol is in pineapple wine? ›

"Pineapple wine is a type of fruit wine made from fermented pineapple juice. It typically has a sweet and fruity flavor, with a crisp and refreshing finish. The alcohol content can vary, but is generally around 10-15% ABV (alcohol by volume).

How long does it take for pineapple to ferment? ›

Ferment for 2 to 5 days at room temperature. Shake the jar daily or stir with a wooden spoon. When bubbles appear and you like the taste, filter the tepache to remove the pineapple and spices.

Is homemade wine more alcoholic? ›

Some people who make wine from their own fruit or berries may add too much sugar and produce a wine that is very high in alcohol. This may be how the myth originated. However the fact remains that fermentation on it's own can only produce up to 20 percent alcohol.

Does fermented pineapple turn into alcohol? ›

Tepache is a lightly fermented pineapple wine that has very little alcohol, usually about 2% ABV. Because it ferments for so short a time, it's an easy one to make at home. In Mexico, where the drink originates, it is often sold chilled by street vendors, sometimes with a splash of beer in it to up the alcohol content.

How to make cheap easy wine? ›

Here is a recipe for easy homemade wine that yields a bit stronger than regular table wine and is excellent for cooking and drinking1 :
  1. 4 cups sugar.
  2. 1 (12 fluid ounce) can juice concentrate (frozen, any flavor except citrus, thawed)
  3. 1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast.
  4. 3 ½ quarts cold water (or as needed)
Dec 25, 2023

What is the easiest way to make wine at home? ›

Combine sugar, juice concentrate, and yeast in a 1-gallon jug. Fill the jug the rest of the way with cold water. Stir or shake well until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is well combined. Rinse out a large balloon; fit it over the opening of the jug.

What is the purpose of pineapple wine? ›

Pineapple wine – made from pineapples

In China, it is used to reduce fever and improve indigestion symptoms. Pineapples have moderate sugar and acidity, and the quality of pineapple wine is also affected by the type and strain of yeast used to ferment the juice into pineapple wine.

Can you eat too much pineapple? ›

Flores pointed out a possible negative to pineapple's high levels of vitamin C. "Because of the high amount of vitamin C that pineapples contain, consuming large quantities may induce diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or heartburn," she said.

What are the raw materials used in making pineapple wine? ›

  • First, sort out the pulp and remove spoilt or moldy parts. Even the bare minimum of bad raw materials can spoil the whole batch. ...
  • Pineapple Wine Recipe.
  • Ingredients:
  • Pineapple pulp – 2kg.
  • Water – 2,5 liters.
  • Sugar – 200-250 grams per 1 liter of juice.
  • Citric acid – 2 grams per 1 liter of juice.
Sep 9, 2022

Is there any alcohol made from pineapple? ›

Tepache is a fermented beverage made from the peel and the rind of pineapples, and is sweetened either with piloncillo or brown sugar, seasoned with powdered cinnamon, and served cold.

Does pineapple wine exist? ›

Several varieties of pineapple wine are made in Okinawa, Japan, from local produce. Its alcohol content is 11.5% ABV.

What are some facts about pineapple wine? ›

Pineapple wine is made from the juice of pineapples. Fermentation of the pineapple juice takes place in temperature-controlled vats and is stopped at near-dryness. The result is a soft, dry, fruity wine with a strong pineapple bouquet. Contains 10% alcohol.

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