Certificate of Deposit Vs Fixed Deposit: Which is Better? | Freo (2024)

Are you on the lookout for a safe and secure investment avenue that offers steady returns? Well, there are several fixed-income options available in the market, such as bonds, debt funds, treasury bills, and more. However, if you’re interested in time deposits that provide fixed interest rates, certificates of deposits vs fixed depositsare two popular choices worth exploring.

While both CDs and FDs are time deposits, they have some differences that set them apart. So, which one should you invest in? Let’s delve deeper into the details of each option to help you make an informed decision. Read on to learn more about certificates of deposits vs fixed deposits, their features, and how they can help you achieve your investment goals. Let’s see the certificate of deposit vs fixed deposit.

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What is a Certificate of Deposit?

What Are the Features of CD?

Difference Between Certificate of Deposit and Fixed Deposit

Certificate of Deposit Vs Fixed Deposit: Which one to choose?

What is a Certificate of Deposit?

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) can be a great way to grow your savings while enjoying higher interest rates. These financial instruments are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and are essentially agreements between depositors and banks. When you invest in a CD, you agree to keep your money with the bank for a fixed period of time, during which you earn interest on your investment. Once the CD matures, you can redeem your investment and collect the interest you’ve earned.

One of the benefits of investing in a CD is that the interest rates offered are typically higher than those of any type of savings account. This makes them an attractive investment option for people who want to earn a decent return on their savings without taking on too much risk.

What Are the Features of CD?

Certificate of Deposits, commonly known as CDs, are a type of financial instrument that offers investors an opportunity to earn fixed interest rates on their deposits. In India, CDs can be issued by SCBs and All-India Financial Institutions, but not by Cooperative Banks and RRBs.

The minimum deposit required to purchase a CD is ₹1 lakh, and subsequent multiples of it can be invested. Certificates of Deposit (CDs) issued by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) have a maturity period of 3 months to one year. On the other hand, most financial institutions issue CDs with a maturity period that ranges between 1 to 3 years.

CDs can be held in physical or dematerialized forms. Dematerialized CDs can be transferred by means of endorsem*nt or delivery, similar to dematerialized securities. However, a CD cannot be bought or sold publicly like stocks, and it cannot be used as collateral to get a loan.

Investing in a CD does not require any lock-in period. Once invested, the investor cannot withdraw the amount before the maturity date. Additionally, banks are not allowed to buy back a CD before its maturity date.

It’s important to note that CDs are fully taxable under the Income Tax Act. Therefore, any interest earned on a CD is subject to income tax. As with any investment, it’s essential to consider the tax implications before investing in a CD.

Difference Between Certificate of Deposit and Fixed Deposit

Basis of Comparison

Certificate of Deposit

Fixed Deposit

Required Initial Investment

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) usually demand a significant minimum investment amount, which can be INR 1,00,000 or higher. As a result, CDs are more commonly utilized by businesses than by individuals. The primary reason for investing in CDs is to temporarily store surplus funds for short periods, usually between one to three years, and earn interest on them.

FDs require a lower minimum investment amount, typically starting at INR 1,000. This makes them a more accessible investment option for individuals.

Return on Investment

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) typically offer higher interest rates compared to Fixed Deposits (FDs) offered by banks. This is because CDs involve higher risk as an investment option. If you are willing to take on the associated risks, investing in CDs can potentially yield better returns.

The interest rate offered for fixed deposits varies depending on the length of time you choose to deposit your money for. Currently, FD rates typically range between 2.5% and 5%. With a fixed deposit, you are guaranteed a fixed interest rate throughout the entire duration of the scheme, irrespective of fluctuations in market interest rates.

Investment Horizon

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are a type of investment that typically have a short-term maturity period. CDs issued by banks usually have the longest maturity length of one year, while those issued by financial institutions range between one to three years. This means that you can expect to receive your investment amount plus interest earnings within a relatively short time frame, making CDs a convenient option for those looking to invest for a shorter duration.

FDs are a long-term saving scheme, with tenures ranging from 7 days to 10 years. The longer the tenure, the higher the interest rate.

Loan Collateral

CD investments cannot be used as collateral for obtaining loans. This is because CDs are transferable and do not have any lock-in period, which means that they can be easily redeemed before maturity. Due to this feature, banks do not consider CDs as a suitable form of security to approve loans. Therefore, if you are looking to obtain a loan, you would need to look for other forms of collateral or financial assets.

You can avail a loan of up to 90% of your deposit amount against your FD. FDs can be used as collateral for loans since they are not transferable and have a lock-in period.

Higher Rates for Senior Citizens

CDs are typically the same for all depositors regardless of their age or any other demographic factors. Hence, Senior citizens do not receive any special or preferential interest rates on their Certificate of Deposit investments.

Senior citizens can benefit from higher interest rates when investing in fixed deposit schemes. Banks and financial institutions often offer preferential interest rates for senior citizens on fixed deposits as a way to encourage them to save and invest their money. These higher interest rates can help seniors to earn more returns on their investments, making fixed deposits a popular choice among this demographic.

Certificate of Deposit Vs Fixed Deposit: Which one to choose?

As an investor, it’s crucial to choose the right investment option that fits your financial goals, risk appetite, and investment horizon. When it comes to CDs and FDs, both have their own benefits and drawbacks.

If you have a short-term investment horizon and are comfortable taking on some level of risk, investing in a CD may be a viable option for you. CDs generally offer higher interest rates than savings accounts, making them an attractive option for short-term financial goals. However, early withdrawal from a CD may result in penalties.

On the other hand, if you prioritize financial security and consistency in your investment portfolio, a fixed deposit may be a better fit for you. FDs provide a fixed rate of interest for the entire scheme, providing stability and predictability in returns. Additionally, you can avail of a loan against your FD in case of emergencies.

Are you interest in opening an FD? Then you might want to check out Freo’s FD. With a competitive interest rate of up to 9%, Freo’s FD can help you grow your savings and achieve your financial goals.

Invest with Freo Savings

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I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of financial instruments, particularly certificates of deposit (CDs) and fixed deposits (FDs). I've explored these investment options extensively, keeping up with the nuances and details to make informed decisions. Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided.

Certificate of Deposit (CD):

What is a Certificate of Deposit?

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are financial instruments regulated by the Reserve Bank of India. Investors agree to keep their money with a bank for a fixed period, during which they earn interest. After maturity, they can redeem their investment and collect the earned interest.

Features of CD:

  • CDs are issued by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) and All-India Financial Institutions.
  • Minimum deposit is ₹1 lakh, with maturity periods ranging from 3 months to 3 years.
  • CDs can be held physically or in dematerialized forms.
  • There is no lock-in period, and withdrawal before maturity is not allowed.
  • CDs are fully taxable under the Income Tax Act.

Fixed Deposit (FD):

Required Initial Investment:

  • FDs typically have a lower minimum investment, starting at ₹1,000, making them more accessible for individuals.

Return on Investment:

  • CDs generally offer higher interest rates compared to FDs, as they involve higher risk.

Investment Horizon:

  • CDs have a short-term maturity period, ranging from 1 to 3 years.
  • FDs are a long-term saving scheme with tenures from 7 days to 10 years.

Loan Collateral:

  • CD investments cannot be used as collateral for loans.
  • FDs can be used as collateral for loans, with up to 90% of the deposit amount.

Higher Rates for Senior Citizens:

  • CDs typically offer the same rates for all depositors.
  • FDs often provide preferential interest rates for senior citizens.

Choosing Between CD and FD:

  • For short-term goals and a willingness to take on some risk, CDs with higher interest rates might be suitable. However, early withdrawal may result in penalties.
  • If financial security and consistency are priorities, FDs with fixed interest rates throughout the scheme's duration could be a better fit. FDs also allow loans against the deposit in emergencies.

In conclusion, the choice between CDs and FDs depends on individual financial goals, risk appetite, and investment horizon. Both options have their benefits and drawbacks, catering to different investor preferences.

Certificate of Deposit Vs Fixed Deposit: Which is Better? | Freo (2024)
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